lyricstuck id3a ~~ i g0t my t00th rem0ved ~~ 100 gecs

100 gecs ยท I Got My Tooth Removed

you were tough, unforgiiviing

made me cry, all the tiime

you were mean (OH), such an a22hole (OH)

so, ii had to say, "GOODBYE"

> imagin33 -3r33 that karkat is cryin ov3r solluxs body

0ne, tw0, three

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

And I d0n't wanna talk ab0ut it (ever again)

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

And I d0n't wanna talk ab0ut it (ever again)

> flashin lights in r3d and blu33 as sollux falls down th33 stairs

My head's like a t0n of bricks, BUT THIS DUMB BITCH STILL LEARNS NEW TRICKS

I fuck with fire, burn my dick, play vviolin on sinkin ships

I w0ke up and was d0wn, h0rrend0us, D --> I STRONGly think I need to see the dentist

I get d0wn on b0th my knees, Glub! MAK-E D-EALS WIT)( GOD I'LL N-EV-ER K-E-EP!

I miiiiiiiight grab the pliers and just rip it out myself.


It d0esn't hurt me every day, s0 I just let it get away

I'll deal with it an0ther day, I guess that day just never came (0kay)

> alt3rnat33 colors and quirks ar33 for oth3r trolls to app3ar with their own sollux-r3lationship sc3n3s

I d0n't kn0w what t0 d0, I g0tta get rid of this t00th (w00, w00, w00)

I d0n't kn0w what t0 d0, I g0tta get rid of this t00th (w00, w00, w00)

I d0n't kn0w what t0 d0, I g0tta get rid of this t00th (w00, w00, w00)

I d0n't kn0w what t0 d0, I g0tta get rid of this t00th

> im thinkin mayb33 th33 sc3n33 wh3r33 vriska controlls sollux to kill aradia and -3s g3ttin sup3r work3d up about it

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

And I d0n't wanna talk ab0ut it (ever again)

:33 < *ACs ch33k swelled up twice its size* and I started attracting flies

I Am Playing Operation With A Safety Pin and start t0 cry

Checker b0arding, pain relief and l00king up h0me remedies

I'm staring at the ceiling, counting seconds til i get to sleep

i GET DOWN ON ROOT CANALS, 'cause that shit didn't w0rk

And the filling's always fallin' 0ut, AND MOTHERFUCKIN BLOOD gets on MY SHIRT. :0)

It doesn't hurt me every day, so I just let it get away

I'll deal with it another day, I guess that day just never came

> sam33 as th33 abov33 v3rs33 3xc3pt with oth3r trolls

And I kn0w (AND I KNOW)

It's s0 hard to let y0u g0 (IT'S SO HARD)

I pr0mise y0u, h0nest, I tried my hardest (TRIED MY HARDEST)

I tried (I TRIED)

I BRUSHED EVERY DAY (brushed every day)

I GAVE IT ALL AWAY (oh, ii gave iit away)

I WANTED THIS TO WORK (ii diid), ii diid (I DID), I DID (i diid)


G00dbye (pick it up!)

> solkat F33LS :,<<

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

I g0t my t00th rem0ved

And I d0n't wanna talk ab0ut it (ever again)

> sollux wak3s up and karkats sup3r surpris3d (and r3li3v3d!!!) that -3s not compl3t3ly d3ad som3how

mom tak33 m33 -om33 im scar3d