ord3r3d alphab3tically by us3r. non cat charact3rs -ave "guest:" infront of th3ir nam33. 3xtra tags ar33 "flashing lights", "music", "(mutant kitten)", "textpost", and "w/" (w/ goes before the other contributing blog's user. the first blog in the chain gets the link). if you want th33 link to your art r3mov3d l3t m33 know
"okay... whos on th33 list, 3xactly???" cat charact3rs: jaspers/frigglish, jaspersprite, vodka mutini, gcat, pounce de leon, cuspidated grimalkin, nepeta leijon, huntress, nepetasprite, meulin leijon, disciple, jasprosesprite^2, gcatavrosprite, fefetasprite, davepetasprite^2
gu3sts (last nam33 alphab3tical): mallek adalov, wanshi adyata, cronus ampora, eridan ampora, aradiasprite, arquiusprite, aurthour, becquerel, becsprite, lanque bombyx, caliborn, calliope, mituna captor, sollux captor, ardata carmia, casey/viceroy, zebruh codakk, jane crocker, dammek, folykl darane, folykl darane's lusus, darkleer, davesprite, dolorosa, diamonds droog dualscar, john egbert, june egbert, john/june egbert, nanna egbert, elwurd, jake english, tyzias entykk, amisia erdehn, erisolsprite, final frog, polypa goezee, tagora gorjek, handmaid, jade harley, josh harley, yiffany longstocking lalonde harley, cirava hermod, grand highblood, marsti houtek, jadebot, jadesprite, jasfeferisprite^2, daraya jonjet, tegiri kalbur, tirona kasund, azdaja knelax, ladyy/skylla koriga's lusus, skylla koriga, charun krojib, rose lalonde, roxy lalonde, boldir lamati, lil cat, lil seb, chahut maenad, gamzee makara, kurloz makara, kanaya maryam, porrim maryam, kuprum maxlol, mayor, aradia megido, damara megido, mindfang, nihkee moolah, mspa reader, remele namaaq, nannasprite, rufioh nitram, tavros nitram, bec noir, konyyl okimaw, feferi peixes, meenah peixes, karako pierot, latula pyrope, terezi pyrope, vikare ratite, redglare, aimless renegade, chixie roixmr, serenity, aranea serket, vriska serket, stelsa sezyat, signless, lynera skalbi, baizli soleil, barzum soleil, squarewave, crow strider, dave strider, dirk strider, lil hal strider, summoner, tavrisprite, trizza tethis, zebede tongva, xefros tritoh, bronya ursama, kankri vantas, karkat vantas, fozzer velyes, diemen xicali, galekh xigisi, marvus xoloto, equius zahhak, horuss zahhak, Ψiioniic, )(IC
crossover tim33 bab3y! modern air-conditioning system (Willis Haviland Carrier 1902), snoop dogg (irl celebrity 1971-present), luigi (nintendo 1983), sonic the hedgehog (sega 1991), amy rose (sega 1993), tokomon (digimon 1993), villager (animal crossing 2001), desmond miles (assassins creed 2007), hatsune miku (Crypton Future Media 2007), kagamine rin (Crypton Future Media 2007), leon kuwata (danganronpa 2010), mewo (omori 2020)
uhhh -ow 3xactly am i suppos3d to find th33 charact3r(s) i want to look at??? hold down th33 control k3y and pr3ss f to find stuff. mobil33 us3rs sorry about this, idk how yall do it. sortin by date? first thr333 l3t3rs of th33 month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) and th33 day you want (May 27, Oct 2). happy s3archin :33
meowmeowmeowimacat ///Feb 2 25, nepeta leijon///Feb 8 25, nepeta leijon (mutant kitten), flashing lights
meowmeowmeowimarepost ///Jan 24 25, nepeta leijon