chang3log i add3d b3caus33 oth3r sit3s -av33 th3m and it sounds lik33 a good id3a
![cool imag33 of n3p3ta that i lik33 to us33 as a pfp](nepeta.jpg)
january 2025
- 31: cr3at3d th33 sit33 its3lf and add3d a bunch of things
f3buary 2025
- 1: add3d "this us3r quirks!!! d3al with it" us3rbox on th33 main pag33 / add3d chang3log page (your33 r3adin it now, numbskull >:3P), add3d link to chang3log on th33 dir3ctory pag33 / add3d background imag33 to th33 main pag33 and link3d my sourc33 / add3d a sick b3ats pag33, link3d it to th33 dir3ctory pag33, fix3d som33 codin 3rrors on the dir3ctory pag33 / add3d a r3sourc3 and 3xt3nsions pag33, link3d it to th33 dir3ctory pag33, fix3d som33 cod33 on th33 dir3ctory pag33, fix3d som33 cod33 on the sick b3ats pag33, fix3d som33 cod33 on th33 chang3log pag33 / add3d 5th dhscd / add3d a f3b 2025 blog page, link3d that to th33 dir3ctory, and mad33 mor33 cod33 3dits to th33 dir3ctory / wrot33 a daily log for f3b 1 2025 / add3d a link to a fr333 poll sit33 und3r r3sourc3s, 3dit3d cod33 in r3sourc3s / add3d a link on the hom3pag33 to a cool n3ociti3s shrin33 with m3m3s
- 2: add3d a link to soulbox on th33 main pag33 (mayb33 ill add a pag33 lat3r for all th33 cool neociti3s sit3s i lik33 lat3r today:33 ), 3dit3d anoth3r link so it w3nt to plastic dino's (i think that was the link i 3dit3d) main pag33 inst3ad of -3r n3ociti3s shrin33 which was link3d to y3st3rday / add3d a link pag33, put a link back to th33 main pag33 on th33 link pag33, 3dit3d th33 main pag33 to display a link to that pag33 / add3d th33 6th dhscd imag33 and bonus sláin33 photobomb (pawtobomb :3?) and d3scription b3low / 3dit3d som33 mor33 cod33 for th33 main pag33 and add3d a background to th33 dir3ctory as w3ll as a link to th33 imag33 sourc33 / add3d -appy cat song! music (3mb3d3d) under 6th dhscd drawin(gs) / add3d a button mak3r to r3sourc3s and mad33 a cool and aw3som33 button for my sit33 :33, r3mov3d n3p3ta imag33 from th33 main pag33 to mak33 stuff fit b3tt3r and slapp3d my button in its plac33 / fix3d th33 link pag33 so that th33 buttons link to things) / wrot33 a log for today / link3d to with a button on th33 cool links pag33 / link3d to calware on th33 cool links pag33 / got a cut33 gifyp3t, link3d to som33 mor33 cool sit3s!
- 3. add3d a mspfa r3cs s3ction, cr3at3d th33 utkf w3bring, did som33 formattin stuff
- 4. mor33 formattin, add3d lyricstuck r3cs in th33 music pag33 / work3d on a blinki33 coll3ction pag33 / add3d dhscd 8
mom tak33 m33 -om33 im scar3d